SouthState earns "America's Best Mid-Size Companies" award from TIME Magazine
SouthState Bank has been recognized as one of America's Best Mid-Size Companies by TIME Magazine, a rare achievement for regional banks. This prestigious award, developed in partnership with Statista, evaluated companies generating between $100 million and $10 billion in revenue across three key dimensions: employee satisfaction, revenue growth, and performance in environmental protection, social responsibility, and corporate governance.
The selection process involved surveying employees, analyzing three-year revenue growth, and assessing various KPIs. SouthState's recognition highlights its commitment to customer care, community engagement, and strong financial performance. As a financial services company headquartered in Winter Haven, Florida, SouthState (NYSE: SSB) operates through its subsidiary, SouthState Bank, N.A., serving over one million customers across six states and offering correspondent banking services nationwide.
SouthState Bank 猫 stata riconosciuta come una delle migliori aziende di medie dimensioni in America da TIME Magazine, un risultato raro per le banche regionali. Questo prestigioso premio, sviluppato in partnership con Statista, ha valutato le aziende che generano tra i 100 milioni e i 10 miliardi di dollari di fatturato su tre dimensioni chiave: soddisfazione dei dipendenti, crescita del fatturato e performance nella protezione ambientale, responsabilit脿 sociale e governance aziendale.
Il processo di selezione ha incluso indagini tra i dipendenti, analisi della crescita del fatturato negli ultimi tre anni e valutazione di vari KPI. Il riconoscimento di SouthState evidenzia il proprio impegno nella cura dei clienti, nell'engagement con la comunit脿 e nella robusta performance finanziaria. In quanto azienda di servizi finanziari con sede a Winter Haven, Florida, SouthState (NYSE: SSB) opera attraverso la sua filiale, SouthState Bank, N.A., servendo oltre un milione di clienti in sei stati e offrendo servizi bancari corrispondenti a livello nazionale.
SouthState Bank ha sido reconocida como una de las mejores empresas medianas de Am茅rica por TIME Magazine, un logro poco com煤n para los bancos regionales. Este prestigioso premio, desarrollado en asociaci贸n con Statista, evalu贸 las empresas que generan entre 100 millones y 10 mil millones de d贸lares en ingresos en tres dimensiones clave: satisfacci贸n del empleado, crecimiento de ingresos y desempe帽o en protecci贸n ambiental, responsabilidad social y gobernanza corporativa.
El proceso de selecci贸n involucr贸 encuestas a empleados, an谩lisis del crecimiento de ingresos durante tres a帽os y evaluaci贸n de varios KPI. El reconocimiento otorgado a SouthState destaca su compromiso con la atenci贸n al cliente, el compromiso comunitario y el s贸lido desempe帽o financiero. Como empresa de servicios financieros con sede en Winter Haven, Florida, SouthState (NYSE: SSB) opera a trav茅s de su filial, SouthState Bank, N.A., sirviendo a m谩s de un mill贸n de clientes en seis estados y ofreciendo servicios bancarios de correspondencia a nivel nacional.
靷毎鞀れ姢韰岇澊韸 鞚赌頄鞚赌 韮鞛 毵り卑歆鞙茧攵赌韯 氙戈淡鞚 欷戧皠 攴滊 旮办梾 欷 斓滉碃搿 鞚胳爼氚涭晿鞀惦媹雼. 鞚措姅 歆鞐 鞚赌頄夓棎瓴 霌滊 靹标臣鞛呺媹雼. 鞚 甓岇渼 鞛堧姅 靸侅澏 Statista鞕 順戨牓頃橃棳 臧滊皽霅橃棃鞙茧┌, 1鞏奠棎靹 100鞏 雼煬 靷澊鞚 靾橃澋鞚 彀届稖頃橂姅 旮办梾鞚 歆侅洂 毵岇”霃, 靾橃澋 靹膘灔, 頇橁步 氤错樃, 靷殞鞝 毂呾瀯 氚 旮办梾 瓯半矂雱岇姢 靹标臣霛茧姅 靹 臧歆 欤检殧 彀洂鞐愳劀 韽夑皜頃橃榾鞀惦媹雼.
靹犾爼 瓿检爼鞚赌 歆侅洂 靹る臁办偓, 3雲勱皠 靾橃澋 靹膘灔 攵勳劃, 雼れ枒頃 KPI 韽夑皜毳 韽暔頄堨姷雼堧嫟. 靷毎鞀れ姢韰岇澊韸胳潣 鞚胳嫕鞚赌 瓿犼皾 甏毽, 歆鞐 靷殞 彀胳棳 氚 臧曤牓頃 鞛 靹标臣鞐 雽頃 項岇嫚鞚 臧曥“頃╇媹雼. 頂岆毽嫟 欤 鞙堩劙 項れ澊敫鞐 氤胳偓毳 霊 旮堨湹 靹滊箘鞀 須岇偓搿滌劀, 靷毎鞀れ姢韰岇澊韸(NYSE: SSB)電 鞛愴殞靷澑 靷毎鞀れ姢韰岇澊韸 鞚赌頄(N.A.)鞚 韱淀暣 6臧 欤检棎靹 氚彪 氇 鞚挫儊鞚 瓿犼皾鞐愱矊 靹滊箘鞀るゼ 鞝滉车頃橁碃, 鞝勱淡鞝侅溂搿 雽鞚 鞚赌頄 靹滊箘鞀るゼ 鞝滉车頃╇媹雼.
SouthState Bank a 茅t茅 reconnue comme l'une des meilleures entreprises de taille interm茅diaire d'Am茅rique par TIME Magazine, un accomplissement rare pour les banques r茅gionales. Ce prix prestigieux, d茅velopp茅 en partenariat avec Statista, a 茅valu茅 les entreprises g茅n茅rant entre 100 millions et 10 milliards de dollars de chiffre d'affaires selon trois dimensions cl茅s : satisfaction des employ茅s, croissance du chiffre d'affaires et performance en mati猫re de protection de l'environnement, de responsabilit茅 sociale et de gouvernance d'entreprise.
Le processus de s茅lection a impliqu茅 des enqu锚tes aupr猫s des employ茅s, l'analyse de la croissance du chiffre d'affaires sur trois ans et l'茅valuation de divers KPI. La reconnaissance de SouthState met en avant son engagement envers la satisfaction client, l'engagement communautaire et une solide performance financi猫re. En tant qu'entreprise de services financiers bas茅e 脿 Winter Haven, Floride, SouthState (NYSE: SSB) op猫re via sa filiale, SouthState Bank, N.A., servant plus d'un million de clients dans six 脡tats et offrant des services bancaires correspondants 脿 l'茅chelle nationale.
SouthState Bank wurde von TIME Magazine als eines von Amerikas besten mittelst盲ndischen Unternehmen ausgezeichnet, was eine seltene Errungenschaft f眉r regionale Banken darstellt. Dieser prestigetr盲chtige Preis, der in Zusammenarbeit mit Statista entwickelt wurde, bewertete Unternehmen mit einem Umsatz zwischen 100 Millionen und 10 Milliarden Dollar in drei wichtigen Dimensionen: Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit, Umsatzwachstum und Leistung in den Bereichen Umweltschutz, soziale Verantwortung und Unternehmensf眉hrung.
Der Auswahlprozess umfasste Mitarbeiterbefragungen, die Analyse des Umsatzwachstums 眉ber drei Jahre und die Bewertung verschiedener KPIs. Die Anerkennung von SouthState hebt das Engagement f眉r Kundenservice, Gemeinschaftsengagement und starke finanzielle Leistungen hervor. Als Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Winter Haven, Florida operiert SouthState (NYSE: SSB) 眉ber ihre Tochtergesellschaft, die SouthState Bank, N.A., und bedient 眉ber eine Million Kunden in sechs Bundesstaaten und bietet bundesweite Korrespondenzbankdienste an.
- None.
- None.
"We are both humbled and honored to be recognized by TIME as one of America's Best Mid-Size Companies. It is a testament to the commitment of our dedicated team members who care for our customers and communities daily, while continually striving for strong financial performance," said Richard Murray, SouthState president.
In order to develop the list of America's Best Mid-Size Companies, TIME and research partner Statista used the following methodology:
- All companies that operate in
the United States and generated between and$100 million of revenue were considered.$10 billion - Employee satisfaction was investigated based on survey data from a large sample of employees from these
U.S. companies. - After determining the companies with an above-average satisfaction level, the revenue growth of each company over the past three years was considered.
- Finally, those companies that performed above-average for employee satisfaction and revenue growth were assessed on numerous KPIs in environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance.
The scores of all three dimensions were added with an equal percentage basis to form the final ranking score, with 100 points being the maximum. The 500 companies with the highest score received the America's Best Mid-Size Companies award from TIME.
SouthState Corporation (NYSE: SSB) is a financial services company headquartered in
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SOURCE SouthState Bank N.A.
What award did SouthState Bank (SSB) receive from TIME Magazine in 2024?
How were companies selected for TIME's America's Best Mid-Size Companies award?
What is the stock symbol for SouthState ?
In which states does SouthState Bank (SSB) provide services?