Neuberger Berman High Yield Strategies Fund Inc. (NYSE American: NHS) has declared a monthly distribution of $0.0905 per share of common stock. The distribution is payable on October 31, 2024, with a record date and ex-date of October 15, 2024. This aligns with the Fund's level distribution policy, which aims to make regular monthly distributions of this amount, subject to market conditions.
The Fund's ability to maintain this distribution rate depends on factors such as income stability from investments, leverage costs, and other Fund expenses. While the Fund strives to maintain stable distributions, these may include net investment income, net realized capital gains, and return of capital. A notice will be provided for any distribution not consisting solely of net investment income, as required by regulations. The final determination of the distribution's tax characteristics for 2024 will be made after year-end.
Il Neuberger Berman High Yield Strategies Fund Inc. (NYSE American: NHS) ha annunciato una distribuzione mensile di $0.0905 per azione di azioni ordinarie. La distribuzione sar脿 pagabile il 31 ottobre 2024, con una data di registrazione e data di stacco di 15 ottobre 2024. Questo 猫 in linea con la politica di distribuzione regolare del fondo, che mira a effettuare distribuzioni mensili di questo importo, soggette alle condizioni di mercato.
La capacit脿 del fondo di mantenere questo tasso di distribuzione dipende da fattori come la stabilit脿 del reddito proveniente dagli investimenti, i costi di leva e altre spese del fondo. Sebbene il fondo si impegni a mantenere distribuzioni stabili, queste possono includere proventi netti da investimenti, guadagni patrimoniali netti realizzati e restituzione di capitale. Sar脿 fornito un avviso per qualsiasi distribuzione che non consista esclusivamente di proventi netti da investimenti, come richiesto dalle normative. La determinazione finale delle caratteristiche fiscali della distribuzione per il 2024 sar脿 effettuata dopo la fine dell'anno.
El Neuberger Berman High Yield Strategies Fund Inc. (NYSE American: NHS) ha declarado una distribuci贸n mensual de $0.0905 por acci贸n de acciones ordinarias. La distribuci贸n se pagar谩 el 31 de octubre de 2024, con una fecha de registro y fecha ex de 15 de octubre de 2024. Esto se alinea con la pol铆tica de distribuci贸n del fondo, que busca realizar distribuciones mensuales de este monto, sujetas a las condiciones del mercado.
La capacidad del fondo para mantener esta tasa de distribuci贸n depende de factores como la estabilidad de ingresos de las inversiones, los costos de apalancamiento y otros gastos del fondo. Si bien el fondo se esfuerza por mantener distribuciones estables, estas pueden incluir ingresos netos de inversiones, ganancias de capital realizables netas y devoluci贸n de capital. Se proporcionar谩 un aviso para cualquier distribuci贸n que no consista 煤nicamente en ingresos netos de inversiones, seg煤n lo exigen las regulaciones. La determinaci贸n final de las caracter铆sticas fiscales de la distribuci贸n para 2024 se llevar谩 a cabo despu茅s de finalizar el a帽o.
雺措矂瓯 氩勲 頃橃澊 鞚茧摐 鞝勲灥 韼霌 欤检嫕須岇偓 (NYSE American: NHS)電 鞚茧皹欤检嫕鞐 雽頃 $0.0905 per share鞚 鞗 氚半嫻旮堨潉 靹犾柛頃橃榾鞀惦媹雼. 氚半嫻旮堨潃 2024雲 10鞗 31鞚鞐 歆旮夒悩氅, 旮半鞚 氚 氚半嫻霛届澕鞚 2024雲 10鞗 15鞚鞛呺媹雼. 鞚措姅 鞁滌灔 靸來櫓鞐 霐半澕 鞝曣赴鞝侅溂搿 鞚 旮堨暋鞚 氚半嫻頃橂姅 韼霌滌潣 氚半嫻 鞝曥眳瓿 鞚检箻頃╇媹雼.
韼霌滉皜 鞚 氚半嫻旮 牍勳湪鞚 鞙犾頃 靾 鞛堧姅 電ル牓鞚 韴瀽 靾橃澋鞚 鞎堨爼靹, 霠堧矂毽 牍勳毄 氚 旮绊儉 韼霌 瓴诫箘鞕 臧欖潃 鞖旍唽霌れ棎 霐半澕 雼澕歆戨媹雼. 韼霌滊姅 鞎堨爼鞝侅澑 氚半嫻旮堨潉 鞙犾頃橁赴 鞙勴暣 雲鸽牓頃橁碃 鞛堨毵, 鞚措煬頃 氚半嫻旮堨棎電 靾 韴瀽 靻岆摑, 靾 鞁ろ槃 鞛愲掣 鞚挫澋 氚 鞛愲掣頇橁笁鞚 韽暔霅 靾 鞛堨姷雼堧嫟. 攴滌爼鞐 霐半澕 靾 韴瀽 靻岆摑毵岇溂搿 甑劚霅橃 鞎婌潃 氚半嫻旮堨棎 雽頃挫劀電 瓿犾靹滉皜 鞝滉车霅 瓴冹瀰雼堧嫟. 2024雲勳潣 氚半嫻旮 靹戈笀 韸轨劚鞐 雽頃 斓滌 瓴办爼鞚 鞐半 鞚错泟鞐 鞚措(鞏挫 瓴冹瀰雼堧嫟.
Le Neuberger Berman High Yield Strategies Fund Inc. (NYSE American: NHS) a d茅clar茅 une distribution mensuelle de $0.0905 par action d'actions ordinaires. La distribution sera payable le 31 octobre 2024, avec une date d'enregistrement et une date ex de 15 octobre 2024. Cela s'inscrit dans la politique de distribution du fonds, qui vise 脿 effectuer des distributions mensuelles r茅guli猫res de ce montant, sous r茅serve des conditions du march茅.
La capacit茅 du fonds 脿 maintenir ce taux de distribution d茅pend de facteurs tels que la stabilit茅 des revenus provenant des investissements, les co没ts d'effet de levier et les autres d茅penses du fonds. Bien que le fonds s'efforce de maintenir des distributions stables, celles-ci peuvent inclure des revenus nets d'investissement, des gains en capital r茅alis茅s nets et un retour de capital. Un avis sera fourni pour toute distribution ne consistant pas uniquement en revenus nets d'investissement, comme l'exigent les r猫glements. La d茅termination finale des caract茅ristiques fiscales de la distribution pour 2024 sera effectu茅e apr猫s la fin de l'ann茅e.
Der Neuberger Berman High Yield Strategies Fund Inc. (NYSE American: NHS) hat eine monatliche Aussch眉ttung von $0.0905 pro Aktie der Stammaktien angek眉ndigt. Die Aussch眉ttung ist am 31. Oktober 2024 zahlbar, mit einem Record Date und Ex-Datum am 15. Oktober 2024. Dies entspricht der Verteilungspolitik des Fonds, die darauf abzielt, regelm盲脽ige monatliche Aussch眉ttungen in dieser H枚he vorzunehmen, wobei die Marktsituation zu ber眉cksichtigen ist.
Die F盲higkeit des Fonds, diesen Aussch眉ttungsbetrag aufrechtzuerhalten, h盲ngt von Faktoren wie der Einkommensstabilit盲t aus Investitionen, den Hebelkosten und anderen Fondsaufwendungen ab. W盲hrend der Fonds bem眉ht ist, stabile Aussch眉ttungen zu gew盲hrleisten, k枚nnen diese Nettoertr盲ge aus Investitionen, realisierte Netto-Kapitalgewinne und Kapitalr眉ckfl眉sse umfassen. Ein Hinweis wird f眉r jede Aussch眉ttung bereitgestellt, die nicht ausschlie脽lich aus Nettoertr盲gen aus Investitionen besteht, wie es die Vorschriften verlangen. Die endg眉ltige Festlegung der steuerlichen Merkmale der Aussch眉ttung f眉r 2024 erfolgt nach Ende des Jahres.
- Regular monthly distribution of $0.0905 per share announced
- Commitment to maintaining a level distribution policy
- Distribution may include return of capital, potentially impacting long-term fund value
- No assurance of maintaining current distribution rate
The announcement of a
The Fund's level distribution policy aims for regularity, but investors should be aware that the source of these distributions may vary. It could include net investment income, realized capital gains, or even return of capital. This last component is particularly important to monitor, as it effectively returns a portion of the investor's original investment and may impact the Fund's net asset value over time.
For tax-conscious investors, the final determination of the distribution's tax characteristics at year-end is a key consideration. The Fund's transparency in providing notices for distributions not solely consisting of net investment income is commendable, but it also signals the complexity of the Fund's distribution composition.
Under its level distribution policy, the Fund anticipates that it will make regular monthly distributions, subject to market conditions, of
Due to an effort to maintain a stable distribution amount, the distribution announced today, as well as future distributions, may consist of net investment income, net realized capital gains and return of capital. In compliance with Section 19 of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, a notice would be provided for any distribution that does not consist solely of net investment income. The notice would be for informational purposes and not for tax reporting purposes, and would disclose, among other things, estimated portions of the distribution, if any, consisting of net investment income, capital gains and return of capital. The final determination of the source and tax characteristics of all distributions paid in 2024 will be made after the end of the year.
About Neuberger Berman
Neuberger Berman is an employee-owned, private, independent investment manager founded in 1939 with over 2,800 employees in 26 countries. The firm manages
Statements made in this release that look forward in time involve risks and uncertainties. Such risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, the adverse effect from a decline in the securities markets or a decline in the Fund's performance, a general downturn in the economy, competition from other closed end investment companies, changes in government policy or regulation, inability of the Fund's investment adviser to attract or retain key employees, inability of the Fund to implement its investment strategy, inability of the Fund to manage rapid expansion and unforeseen costs and other effects related to legal proceedings or investigations of governmental and self-regulatory organizations.
Neuberger Berman Investment Advisers LLC聽
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(877) 461-1899
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What is the monthly distribution amount for Neuberger Berman High Yield Strategies Fund (NHS)?
When is the next distribution payable for NHS stock?
What factors affect NHS's ability to maintain its current distribution rate?