The Cadence Abilities Group Sparks Belonging at Work and in the Community
Cadence Design Systems highlighted its commitment to disability inclusion through its Abilities Inclusion Group initiatives. The company celebrated International Day of Persons with Disabilities with guest speaker Melissa Stockwell, a four-time Paralympian. The Abilities Inclusion Group, in partnership with the Cadence Giving Foundation, collaborated with Special Olympics Northern California to support athletic training for individuals with disabilities.
Christina Jamerson, Abilities Inclusion Group Lead and Demand Gen Director, participated in a panel discussion about workplace inclusion and outlined plans for 2025. The company organized resource fairs to promote employee resource groups (ERGs) and foster community engagement.
Cadence Design Systems ha messo in evidenza il suo impegno per l'inclusione delle persone con disabilit脿 attraverso le iniziative del suo Abilities Inclusion Group. L'azienda ha celebrato la Giornata Internazionale delle Persone con Disabilit脿 con la relatrice ospite Melissa Stockwell, quattro volte paralimpica. Il Abilities Inclusion Group, in collaborazione con la Cadence Giving Foundation, ha collaborato con le Special Olympics del Nord della California per sostenere l'allenamento atletico per individui con disabilit脿.
Christina Jamerson, Leader dell'Abilities Inclusion Group e Direttore della Generazione della Domanda, ha partecipato a una discussione di panel sull'inclusione nel posto di lavoro e ha delineato i piani per il 2025. L'azienda ha organizzato fiere delle risorse per promuovere i gruppi di risorse per i dipendenti (ERG) e favorire il coinvolgimento della comunit脿.
Cadence Design Systems destac贸 su compromiso con la inclusi贸n de personas con discapacidad a trav茅s de las iniciativas de su Grupo de Inclusi贸n de Habilidades. La empresa celebr贸 el D铆a Internacional de las Personas con Discapacidad con la oradora invitada Melissa Stockwell, cuatro veces paral铆mpica. El Grupo de Inclusi贸n de Habilidades, en colaboraci贸n con la Fundaci贸n Cadence Giving, trabaj贸 con las Olimpiadas Especiales del Norte de California para apoyar el entrenamiento atl茅tico de personas con discapacidad.
Christina Jamerson, L铆der del Grupo de Inclusi贸n de Habilidades y Directora de Generaci贸n de Demanda, particip贸 en una discusi贸n en panel sobre inclusi贸n en el lugar de trabajo y deline贸 los planes para 2025. La empresa organiz贸 ferias de recursos para promover grupos de recursos para empleados (ERG) y fomentar la participaci贸n comunitaria.
Cadence Design Systems電 攴鸽摛鞚 Abilities Inclusion Group 鞚措媹靺旐嫲敫岆ゼ 韱淀暣 鞛レ暊鞚 韽毄鞐 雽頃 鞎届啀鞚 臧曥“頄堨姷雼堧嫟. 鞚 須岇偓電 4須 韺煷毽柬斀 靹犾垬鞚 氅旊Μ靷 鞀ろ啞鞗(Melissa Stockwell)鞚 齑堨箔 鞐办偓搿 齑堧寑頃橃棳 甑牅 鞛レ暊鞚胳潣 雮犾潉 於曧晿頄堨姷雼堧嫟. Abilities Inclusion Group電 Cadence Giving Foundation瓿 順戨牓頃橃棳 攵侂秬 旌橂Μ韽媹鞎勳潣 韸闺硠 鞓頂疥臣 頃粯 鞛レ暊鞚胳潉 鞙勴暅 鞀ろ彫旄 頉堧牗鞚 歆鞗愴枅鞀惦媹雼.
Christina Jamerson, Abilities Inclusion Group 毽崝鞚挫瀽 靾橃殧 靸濎劚 鞚挫偓電 歆侅灔 雮 韽毄鞐 甏頃 韺剱 韱犽鞐 彀胳棳頄堨溂氅 2025雲 瓿勴殟鞚 靹る獏頄堨姷雼堧嫟. 須岇偓電 歆侅洂 鞛愳洂 攴鸽9(ERG)鞚 頇嶋炒頃橁碃 歆鞐 靷殞 彀胳棳毳 齑夓頃橁赴 鞙勴暣 鞛愳洂 氚曤瀸須岆ゼ 臁办頄堨姷雼堧嫟.
Cadence Design Systems a mis en avant son engagement en faveur de l'inclusion des personnes en situation de handicap 脿 travers les initiatives de son Abilities Inclusion Group. L'entreprise a c茅l茅br茅 la Journ茅e internationale des personnes handicap茅es avec la conf茅renci猫re invit茅e Melissa Stockwell, quatre fois paralympique. Le Abilities Inclusion Group, en partenariat avec la Cadence Giving Foundation, a collabor茅 avec les Special Olympics du Nord de la Californie pour soutenir l'entra卯nement athl茅tique des personnes en situation de handicap.
Christina Jamerson, responsable de l'Abilities Inclusion Group et directrice de la g茅n茅ration de demande, a particip茅 脿 une discussion en panel sur l'inclusion en milieu de travail et a pr茅sent茅 les plans pour 2025. L'entreprise a organis茅 des foires de ressources pour promouvoir les groupes de ressources pour les employ茅s (ERG) et favoriser l'engagement communautaire.
Cadence Design Systems hebt sein Engagement f眉r die Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen durch die Initiativen der Abilities Inclusion Group hervor. Das Unternehmen feierte den Internationalen Tag der Menschen mit Behinderungen mit der Gastrednerin Melissa Stockwell, einer viermaligen Paralympianerin. Die Abilities Inclusion Group hat in Zusammenarbeit mit der Cadence Giving Foundation mit den Special Olympics Northern California zusammengearbeitet, um das sportliche Training f眉r Menschen mit Behinderungen zu unterst眉tzen.
Christina Jamerson, Leiterin der Abilities Inclusion Group und Direktorin f眉r Nachfragegenerierung, nahm an einer Podiumsdiskussion 眉ber Inklusion am Arbeitsplatz teil und skizzierte die Pl盲ne f眉r 2025. Das Unternehmen organisierte Ressourcenmessen, um Mitarbeiterressourcengruppen (ERGs) zu f枚rdern und das Engagement der Gemeinschaft zu unterst眉tzen.
- None.
- None.
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / December 13, 2024 / Cadence Design Systems
December has a unique quality that inspires togetherness, positive reflection, and a sense of renewal in the year to come. People from around the world celebrate meaningful traditions and important holidays, including International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Established on December 3, 1992, the United Nations dedicated this day to ensuring the recognition of the neurodivergent and disabled communities, destigmatizing different levels of ability, and reminding us that everyone should be treated with respect. At Cadence, we are proud to honor this holiday globally and to support our Abilities Inclusion Group, which provides space for employees who have a disability and/or are neurodivergent and their allies.
We recently recognized International Day of Persons with Disabilities with a special guest speaker, Melissa Stockwell, whose story of perseverance reminds us that nothing is out of reach. After surviving a roadside blast while deployed in Iraq, which resulted in the loss of one of her legs, Melissa became a four-time Paralympian and most recently competed in the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris. Since her recovery, she has also founded the non-profit Dare2tri and published her memoir The Power of Choice: My Journey from Wounded Warrior to World Champion in 2020. By teaming up with the Veterans Inclusion Group to host this intersectional event, employees in the audience had the opportunity to connect with new colleagues, exemplifying Cadence's One Team culture.
Further, along with the Cadence Giving Foundation, the Abilities Inclusion Group has worked to advance the sense of belonging in the community by partnering with to support athletic training and competition opportunities for children and adults with intellectual and physical disabilities. In September, Cadence welcomed two Special Olympics NorCal athletes to our San Jose Headquarters for employees to learn about their experiences in the program and how being involved has impacted their everyday lives. Hearing directly from the athletes left a lasting impression as we discovered the organization's significance goes beyond competition, as it provides a catalyst for friendship and lowers barriers to sports and fitness.
In November, Christina Jamerson, Abilities Inclusion Group Lead and Demand Gen Director, joined a panel with fellow inclusion leads David Sallard and Johnathan Edmonds to discuss the strength of Cadence's inclusive workplace, how to accelerate allyship, and how she plans to propel the group in 2025. Christina said, "I'm really excited to continue growing with the group in 2025. One of my goals is to help communicate the wonderful benefits we have at Cadence to our members, in a safe space, so that they can have a greater understanding of what is available."
Members of the Abilities Inclusion Group also helped drive engagement by speaking about the intangible benefits of joining the group during resource fairs on campus. These events generate excitement around our employee resource groups (ERGs), allowing people from various business groups to interact, discover how Cadence fosters community, and learn how they can contribute.
Contact Info:
Spokesperson: Cadence Design Systems
SOURCE: Cadence Design Systems
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What initiatives did Cadence (CDNS) implement for disability inclusion in 2024?
How is Cadence (CDNS) supporting Special Olympics Northern California?
What are the 2025 goals for Cadence's (CDNS) Abilities Inclusion Group?