AM Best Affirms Credit Ratings of Chubb Limited and Its Subsidiaries
AM Best has affirmed the superior credit ratings of Chubb (NYSE: CB) and its subsidiaries, maintaining an A++ Financial Strength Rating and 'aa+' Long-Term Issuer Credit Ratings for its main insurance operations. The ratings reflect Chubb's strongest balance sheet strength, very strong operating performance, and favorable business profile.
The company demonstrates consistently profitable underwriting with a combined ratio in the mid-to-high 80% range, outperforming industry averages. Chubb operates in over 50 countries, leading in U.S. commercial, specialty, and high-net-worth insurance markets. The company maintains very strong risk-adjusted capitalization and a high-quality investment portfolio, though this is partially offset by elevated financial leverage and ongoing share repurchases.
AM Best ha confermato i superiori punteggi di credito di Chubb (NYSE: CB) e delle sue filiali, mantenendo un Rating di Forza Finanziaria A++ e Rating di Credito dell'Emittente a lungo termine 'aa+' per le sue principali operazioni assicurative. I punteggi riflettono la massima solidit脿 patrimoniale di Chubb, un'ottima performance operativa e un profilo aziendale favorevole.
L'azienda dimostra una sottoscrizione continuamente redditizia con un rapporto combinato nella fascia medio-alta dell'80%, superando la media del settore. Chubb opera in oltre 50 paesi, liderando i mercati assicurativi commerciali, specializzati e ad alto patrimonio netto negli Stati Uniti. L'azienda mantiene una capitalizzazione molto forte corretta per il rischio e un portafoglio di investimenti di alta qualit脿, anche se questo 猫 parzialmente compensato da un'elevata leva finanziaria e da riacquisti di azioni in corso.
AM Best ha afirmado las superiores calificaciones crediticias de Chubb (NYSE: CB) y sus subsidiarias, manteniendo una Calificaci贸n de Fortalezas Financieras A++ y calificaciones de Cr茅dito de Emisor a Largo Plazo 'aa+' para sus principales operaciones de seguros. Las calificaciones reflejan la m谩xima fortaleza de su balance, un rendimiento operativo muy s贸lido y un perfil empresarial favorable.
La compa帽铆a demuestra una suscripci贸n consistentemente rentable con un ratio combinado en el rango medio-alto del 80%, superando los promedios de la industria. Chubb opera en m谩s de 50 pa铆ses, liderando los mercados de seguros comerciales, especializados y de alto patrimonio en EE.UU. La empresa mantiene una capitalizaci贸n muy fuerte ajustada al riesgo y una cartera de inversiones de alta calidad, aunque esto se ve parcialmente contrarrestado por un elevado apalancamiento financiero y una recompra de acciones en curso.
AM Best電 Chubb (NYSE: CB)鞕 攴 鞛愴殞靷潣 鞖办垬頃 鞁犾毄 霌标笁鞚 頇曥澑頃橂┌ 欤检殧 氤错棙 鞖挫榿鞐 雽頃 A++ 鞛爼 臧曤弰 霌标笁瓿 'aa+' 鞛リ赴 氚滍枆鞛 鞁犾毄 霌标笁鞚 鞙犾頄堨姷雼堧嫟. 鞚 霌标笁鞚 Chubb鞚 斓滉碃鞚 鞛 瓯挫爠靹, 毵れ毎 臧曤牓頃 鞖挫榿 靹标臣 氚 鞖绊樃鞝侅澑 牍勳雼堨姢 頂勲頃勳潉 氚橃榿頃╇媹雼.
須岇偓電 80%雽 欷戫泟氚橃潣 瓴绊暕 牍勳湪搿 歆靻嶌爜鞙茧 靾橃澋靹 鞛堧姅 鞏鸽崝霛检澊韺呾潉 氤挫棳欤茧┌, 鞐呹硠 韽夑窢鞚 電リ皜頃╇媹雼. Chubb電 50臧 鞚挫儊鞚 甑皜鞐愳劀 鞖挫榿霅橂┌, 氙戈淡 靸侅梾, 鞝勲 氚 瓿犾暋 鞛愳偘 氤错棙 鞁滌灔鞚 靹犽弰頃橁碃 鞛堨姷雼堧嫟. 鞚 須岇偓電 毵れ毎 臧曧暅 鞙勴棙 臁办爼 鞛愲掣瓿 瓿犿拡歆 韴瀽 韽姼韽措Μ鞓るゼ 鞙犾頃橁碃 鞛堨毵, 鞚措姅 partially 雴掛潃 鞛 霠堧矂毽鞕 ongoing 欤检嫕 毵れ瀰鞐 鞚橅暣 鞚茧秬 靸侅噭霅╇媹雼.
AM Best a confirm茅 les notations de cr茅dit sup茅rieures de Chubb (NYSE: CB) et de ses filiales, maintenant une note de solidit茅 financi猫re A++ et des notations de cr茅dit d'茅metteur 脿 long terme 'aa+' pour ses principales activit茅s d'assurance. Ces notations refl猫tent la force financi猫re maximale de Chubb, des performances op茅rationnelles tr猫s solides et un profil commercial favorable.
L'entreprise fait preuve d'une souscription constamment rentable avec un ratio combin茅 dans la fourchette moyenne-haute de 80%, d茅passant les moyennes du secteur. Chubb op猫re dans plus de 50 pays, menant sur les march茅s de l'assurance commerciale, sp茅cialis茅e et de haute valeur nette aux 脡tats-Unis. L'entreprise maintient une capitalisation tr猫s solide ajust茅e au risque et un portefeuille d'investissement de haute qualit茅, bien que cela soit partiellement compens茅 par un effet de levier financier 茅lev茅 et des programmes de rachat d'actions en cours.
AM Best hat die 眉berlegenen Kreditratings von Chubb (NYSE: CB) und seinen Tochtergesellschaften best盲tigt und eine A++ Finanzst盲rke-Bewertung sowie 'aa+' langfristige Emittentenkreditratings f眉r die Hauptversicherungsbetriebe beibehalten. Die Ratings spiegeln die st盲rkste Bilanzkraft von Chubb, eine sehr starke operative Leistung und ein g眉nstiges Gesch盲ftsprofil wider.
Das Unternehmen weist eine konstant rentable Underwriting-Performance mit einem kombinierten Verh盲ltnis im mittleren bis hohen 80%-Bereich auf, was besser ist als der Branchendurchschnitt. Chubb ist in 眉ber 50 L盲ndern t盲tig und f眉hrend im gewerblichen, spezialisierten und wohlhabenden Versicherungsmarkt in den USA. Das Unternehmen h盲lt ein sehr starkes risikoadjustiertes Kapital und ein qualitativ hochwertiges Anlageportfolio, wobei dies teilweise durch eine hohe finanzielle Hebelwirkung und laufende Aktienr眉ckk盲ufe ausgeglichen wird.
- Maintains A++ (Superior) Financial Strength Rating
- Combined ratio in mid-to-high 80% range, outperforming industry averages
- Market leadership in multiple insurance segments across 50+ countries
- Strongest level of risk-adjusted capitalization
- High-quality investment portfolio with excellent reserve adequacy
- Elevated financial leverage relative to tangible capital
- Share repurchase program constraining capital growth
The ratings of the Chubb Group reflect Chubb鈥檚 balance sheet strength, which AM Best assesses as strongest, as well as its very strong operating performance, favorable business profile and appropriate enterprise risk management (ERM). Chubb鈥檚 very strong operating performance is anchored in the group鈥檚 consistently highly profitable underwriting performance 鈥 as reflected in a combined ratio in the mid-to-high 80 percent range that notably outperforms industry averages for highly rated insurers 鈥 as well as consistently solid investment returns on a high-quality investment portfolio. Chubb鈥檚 business profile is notable for its product and geographic breadth and depth, as Chubb operates in more than 50 countries and jurisdictions worldwide. Through ACE American Insurance Company and its pooled and/or substantially reinsured
AM Best notes that Chubb鈥檚 risk-adjusted capitalization, as measured by Best鈥檚 Capital Adequacy Ratio (BCAR), has consistently stood at the strongest level, benefiting from a very high-quality investment portfolio and excellent historical reserve adequacy position, a solid reinsurance program, and a high quality of capital, in part reflecting relatively modest reliance on debt in the group鈥檚 capital structure. Tempering capital strength is a somewhat elevated financial leverage relative to tangible capital, and a share repurchase program that has constrained capital growth in recent years.
The ratings of the Combined companies reflect their balance sheet strength, which AM Best assesses as strong, as well as their strong operating performance, neutral business profile and appropriate ERM. The ratings also reflect the companies鈥 strategic role in supporting the organization鈥檚 global accident & health segment.
The ratings of ACE Life reflect its balance sheet strength, which AM Best assesses as very strong, as well as its marginal operating performance, very limited business profile and appropriate ERM. The ratings also reflect the continued financial support received from its parent.
The ratings of Chubb Life NZ reflect its balance sheet strength, which AM Best assesses as very strong, as well as its adequate operating performance, neutral business profile and appropriate ERM. The ratings also factor in rating enhancement from the company鈥檚 parent and support from Chubb Limited.
A of Chubb Limited鈥檚 FSRs, Long-Term ICRs and Long-Term IRs also is available.
This press release relates to Credit Ratings that have been published on AM Best鈥檚 website. For all rating information relating to the release and pertinent disclosures, including details of the office responsible for issuing each of the individual ratings referenced in this release, please see AM Best鈥檚 web page. For additional information regarding the use and limitations of Credit Rating opinions, please view . For information on the proper use of Best鈥檚 Credit Ratings, Best鈥檚 Performance Assessments, Best鈥檚 Preliminary Credit Assessments and AM Best press releases, please view Guide to Proper Use of Best鈥檚 Ratings & Assessments.
AM Best is a global credit rating agency, news publisher and data analytics provider specializing in the insurance industry. Headquartered in
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Source: AM Best
What credit rating did AM Best assign to Chubb (CB) in 2024?
What is Chubb's (CB) combined ratio performance?
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